Distributors with eligibility to this applications file the most common claim types:
There are many legacy processes for a mix of claim types: See Other RC Processes FAQ
The application is specific to handling CBP/US & CCRP customers because of the Invoices & payment processes.
When Filing a claim in this system, you should have the original C10 Invoice present. The system collects the Invoice # and inherits the Parent Code from your login as a baseline check. This step also retrieves the original invoice for you to cross reference inside the system.
When filling out the Part Detail, please enter the top line exactly as you see it on the Original C10 Invoice
Unit Price for every line is calculated for you.
On the second line, enter what you actually Received. The claim amount is computed for you and is the difference between actually ordered and actually received.
Every Line entered also goes through a Validation Process. This occurs every 2 hours 8am-8pm EST M-F. In cases where information is not exact, you will receive an Claim Error email after validation. This allows you to Edit the claim and cross reference the original Invoice to resolve the errors.
Once a claim is valid, it follows an Adjudication process. Adjudication is a fancy term for Accept or Reject the claim. For Short Shipment Claims, the warehouse who serviced the order is contacted to check their Inventory and Pick/Pack List for errors.
To claim filer can upload any proof, including BOL from shipping company etc to support their claim.
Once a claim has been investigated, Approved by the warehouse & rubber stamped by RCD Claims Analyst, payment and Invoice Information will be associated with the original claim. This occurs the next day after Claims Analyst action.
When filling out the Part Detail, please enter the top line exactly as you see it on the Original C10 Invoice
Unit Price for every line is calculated for you.
On the second line, enter what price you were quoted or expected. The claim amount is computed for you.
Every Line entered also goes through a Validation Process. This occurs every 2 hours 8am-8pm EST M-F. In cases where information is not exact, you will receive an Claim Error email after validation. This allows you to Edit the claim and cross reference the original Invoice to resolve the errors.
Once a claim is valid, it follows an Adjudication process.
For Pricing Claims, supporting documents can be uploaded or emails from ZSM can be forwarded to the specific Ticket #. See Notes section of Ticket to use this feature. Supporting documentation is any document or email that states a specific price different than your invoice says.
Tax Exempt Claims are simple form. The supporting document or proof to support your claim needs to be uploaded for every Tax Claim. The form, the state who issued it and name on the proof should all match your claim information. This information is needed for the claim to be Approved and paid out.
Upload your Tax Exempt form in pdf format or it can be an image (jpg, png, gif).
Freight Claims are simple form. The supporting documents are that Freight was charged incorrectly on the Invoice. Certain orders apply Freight charges automatically. Lost Freight Claims should be filed in a different system.