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RCDchannel FAQs

These FAQs (“frequently asked questions”) are intended to address functionality and usage issues that aren't obvious to everyone… things that make you go “hmmmm”. Suggestions welcome!

Q: what are these ChannelSUITE and ChannelAdmin things?

A: the RCDchannel portal is based on the channelAdmin component of the channelSUITE system. ChannelAdmin provides the ability to maintain the information about the internal staff and external distributor users of the various RCD channel applications and also provides the “single sign on” capability for the users of these apps. The apps which can be accessed from the portal include and (coming soon) the credit memo and market funds (based on channelFUNDS) systems.

More info…

rcdchannel_faqs.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/10 15:45 by jay