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help:admin:administrator_detail [2009/05/15 19:49]
help:admin:administrator_detail [2009/06/03 18:18] (current)
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 ====== Administrator Detail Page ====== ====== Administrator Detail Page ======
-======Detail Tab=====+=====Detail Tab=====
-On the detail tab, you have the option of deleting a user. Prior to using this option, please think about making the user inactive. Inactive users may be brought back, while deleted users will be gone for good.+
-======Systems Account======+===Deleting a User=== 
 +Prior to using this option, please think about making the user inactive first. Inactive users may be brought back, while deleted users will be gone for good.
 +Another point of caution when deleting a user - you should think about the **System Account** implications before you commit a delete. One important question to ask is: If it is necessary, have I transitioned this user's scope to someone else?
 +=====Systems Account=====
 ===Lock user=== ===Lock user===
-An admin may have his account manually locked or auto-lockedshould there be 3 FIXME (need confirmation of #, Jason said it was 3 by default, I noticed 4 in my own testing) unsuccessful login attempts within a 10 minute periodThe system will take off the autolock after a 10 minute period allowing that user to reattempt a login. In the case of a manual lock an admin would need to manually toggle that setting to unlock.+An admin may have his account manually locked or auto-locked. An autolock occurs should there be 3 unsuccessful login attempts. Should this occur, the system will lock the account for a 10 minute period at which point it will unlock and be available for login.  
 +In the case of a manual lock an admin would need to manually toggle that setting to unlock.
 === Scope Management=== === Scope Management===
-Please find a writeup of how to manage scope here. FIXME (need link + need to see if this needs to be written!)+Please find a writeup of how to manage scope [[/help/admin/administrator_scope_assignment|here]].
 ===Permissions=== ===Permissions===
-Permissions dictate what an Admin user may do within the system. If you are unsure of what a permission means you may find more information by doing a mouseover of the blue information icons. +Permissions tell the system what an Admin user is authorized to do. If you are unsure of what a permission means you may find more information by doing a mouseover of the blue information icons. 
help/admin/administrator_detail.txt · Last modified: 2009/06/03 18:18 by jay